39 pendulum aquacap label
Pendulum® AquaCap Herbicide Preemergent | BASF Ornamental ... Pendulum AquaCap offers control of 21 of the most common unwanted grasses and 25 of the most troublesome broadleaf weeds, including: Annual Bluegrass; Barnyardgrass; Chickweed Species; Crabgrass; Foxtail Species; Goosegrass; Henbit; Purslane; Shepherdspurse; Signalgrass; Spurge Species; Yellow Woodsorrel; Where To Use Pendulum AquaCap Pendulum AquACAP Pendulum® AquaCap™ herbicide encapsulates a water-based formulation of the industry’s leading preemergent active ingredient – BASF pendimethalin – in an ultra-thin capsule. This BASF patented technology allows Pendulum AquaCap to deliver: highly effective and economical preemergent weed control option for field- • A
Pendulum AquaCap Herbicide - DoMyOwn.com The Pendulum AquaCap Herbicide is a water based herbicide that is perfect to use in controlling a wide variety of grasses and broadleaf weeds. It can fight and control 21 unwanted grasses and 25 most troublesome weeds like woodly cupgrass, hop clover, evening primrose, annual spurge, chickweed species and more.

Pendulum aquacap label
Home - Label Database - CDMS Home - Label Database Pendulum® AquaCap™ herbicide BASF Professional and Specialty Solutions PENDIMETHALIN 241-416 State Availability Labels / SDS Specimen Label, NVA 2018-04-194-0050 SDS, 2022/03/29 SDS, 2022/03/29 (Español) Pendulum® AquaCap Herbicide - BASF Pendulum AquaCap offers unbeatable control of your most hated competition. In fact, Pendulum AquaCap controls 21 of the most common unwanted grasses and 25 of the most troublesome broadleaf weeds. For a comprehensive list, consult the product label. Always read and follow label directions. Pendulum Aquacap Label Pendulum AquaCapcan be used to provide greater plant selectivity in areas where such action may be desired. Such sites might have roots of landscape vegetation, ornamentals, or desirable trees encroaching into the treated zone. Refer to tank mix partner labels regarding effects on desirable plants.
Pendulum aquacap label. For use as a preemergence weed control herbicide in turfgrass ... Pendimethalin, the active ingredient in Pendulum AquaCap, is a Group 3 (WSSA)/Group K 1 (HRAC) her-bicide belonging to the dinitroaniline chemistry class . Pendulum AquaCap is a meristematic inhibitor that inter-feres with meristematic plant cell division or mitosis inhibiting germinating seedling growth . Herbicide Resistance Management Pendulum Aquacap Label Pendulum AquaCapcan be used to provide greater plant selectivity in areas where such action may be desired. Such sites might have roots of landscape vegetation, ornamentals, or desirable trees encroaching into the treated zone. Refer to tank mix partner labels regarding effects on desirable plants. Pendulum® AquaCap Herbicide - BASF Pendulum AquaCap offers unbeatable control of your most hated competition. In fact, Pendulum AquaCap controls 21 of the most common unwanted grasses and 25 of the most troublesome broadleaf weeds. For a comprehensive list, consult the product label. Always read and follow label directions. Home - Label Database - CDMS Home - Label Database Pendulum® AquaCap™ herbicide BASF Professional and Specialty Solutions PENDIMETHALIN 241-416 State Availability Labels / SDS Specimen Label, NVA 2018-04-194-0050 SDS, 2022/03/29 SDS, 2022/03/29 (Español)
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